I've started this blog as a means of compiling materials for the study of a range of healthcare topics in the ancient world. The issues I'm chiefly interested in pursuing (for what it's worth, since the information is patchy and varied) relate to nursing care, midwifery and maternity care, care of the elderly as well as narrower topics such as the possibility of cesarean section in the premodern world. I'm hoping that by compiling material here (distilled from the meanderings I currently accumulate in zotero) that a clearer picture will emerge, allowing me to go forward with something more focused and intelligible. I hope I will in fact actually be able to make a meaningful contribution to knowledge.
My initial caveat then is that to start with this will be somewhat imprecise, so please bear with me. Should anyone feel inclined to read or look over what I'm doing and has comments or suggestions, I would be most grateful to receive them.